Citrus Sarayu

Sale price Price Rs. 375.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

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Medium - Dark  Roast

Region: Baba Budangiri, Coorg , Araku , Sakleshpur , Sheveroys 

This Arabica-Robusta blend makes for a strong cup of coffee and velvety mouthfeel. With just the right amount of bitterness, this is the brew to pick if your coffee is incomplete without the addition of milk and sugar.

Tasting notes: Citrus, Dark chocolate and caramel

Ratio : 70%Arabica , 30% Robusta 


Principal texts of Indian history, including the Vedas, Puranas and Upanishads are rife with mentions of River Sarayu. More significantly, Sarayu is associated with Lord Rama of the eponymous Ramayana, a story most of us hold dear in cherished memories of childhood and festive celebrations.

Rich as the legacy of this river, the Citrus Sarayu blend has a tantalizing citrusy aroma and a taste of the alluring combination of dark chocolate and caramel. One sip will transport one to memories of days well spent surrounded by your loved ones.